Is Your Page Still Blank?

Maybe try these seed ideas and see what blooms.

Samantha Lazar


Prompt: Recommendations to help other writers come up with new ideas.

It can be so easy to forget the writing process. It can seem like there are no ideas left in the whole wide world. It is easy to become impatient with writing, no matter the season.

I have spent 20 years teaching students of all ages to write, but that does not guarantee that my own writing improves. I remember their complaining, their impatience with themselves, their insistence that they have absolutely nothing to write about. Whenever I feel stuck and out of writing ideas, I always go back to what I teach my students.

This is a process, I coach them. Even Harry Potter wasn’t ready to be published right away. It takes time. But you do have it in you. You have 10 (or 8 or 13 or 44…) years of experiences to draw on. You have a treasure chest waiting to be opened. Now open your writing journal to a fresh page and be ready to enjoy the process. Right now, we will be creating lists. These lists are your seeds. Whenever you need to plant a new idea, come back to these seeds. Whenever you think of a new idea to add to your lists, write them down. You will never run out of ideas.

