My Journey to Publishing a Poetry Book

Part 1

Samantha Lazar
2 min readAug 6, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This is the beginning of something bigger. This is me taking a leap of courage into the unknown. This is me telling my fears of success and failure to get lost. This is me letting go of any sense of perfectionism and/or imposter syndrome.

My big goal for 2020 was to write enough poetry to publish a collection by the end of the year. I have a lot of poetry. It’s go time!

Friends in my poet circle have done this, why shouldn’t I? I have no clue as to how to begin, so I have asked for help. The overwhelm I am feeling is more about seeing this project through to completion.

Gratefully, will help me get started. She published a beautiful collection of nature poetry organic. I highly recommend it! So, Christina and I have arranged to meet to talk about first steps.

My thoughts around this project will get organized. It is my plan to journal here on Medium, in case anyone out there is interested in my journey or is in a similar project! I welcome any suggestions!

Wish me luck!

Photo by Carson Masterson on Unsplash

Samantha Lazar 2020

